Ms Phyllis Ng
Chief Executive Officer
Baguio Green Group Limited
Relationships between suppliers and customers play a key role in building financial and economic value, and most importantly, in the promotion of social and environmental best practice. Thank you to Green Council’s unfaltering efforts in promotion and education on green procurement, more and more Hong Kong companies exhibited their commitment in sustainable development, and Sustainable Procurement Charter represents another milestone of sustainable development in Hong Kong. Baguio has been an advocate in promoting a better and greener business community and it is our honour to be one of the founding members of the Charter. Congratulations to Green Council and I wish the Charter in every success.

Mr. Ernie Suek Ka Lun
Chung Tai Printing (China) Limited
Chung Tai Printing (China) Limited, is most honoured to be a founding member of Green Council’s Sustainable Procurement Charter. I wish this Charter every success as this Charter plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability practices and instigation of positive environmental changes in our commercial and economic landscape. Chung Tai Printing (China) Limited have long been implementing sustainability practices. We are aware that being “Environmentally Friendly” is not a burden but a positive and necessary responsibility of every business enterprise, which is why I heartily congratulate Green Council on this great endeavor and will strive our utmost to promote sustainable supply chain in our business arena.

Mr. T K Chiang
Managing Director
CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd.
At no time has making sustainable procurement ever been more important. I have the honour to represent CLP Power to be one of the founding members of the Sustainable Procurement Charter which highlights the importance and achievement of the development of sustainable procurement. The Charter is a big step forward in advocating collaborations among Hong Kong companies to contribute to sustainable development along with business development. It has been and will always be CLP Power’s core corporate value in pursuing sustainable development and striking a balance between the social, economic and environmental needs of the communities we serve. Congratulations to Green Council and I wish this Charter every success.

Ms Glendy Choi
D&G Technology Holding Co. Ltd.
Congratulations to Green Council for the launch of Sustainable Procurement Charter. This is a milestone for the development of sustainable procurement among business community. D&G Technology is committed in the pursue of practicing sustainable procurement and it is our great honour to be one of the founding members of the Charter. I believe the Charter will become an important collaboration platform for entities to share their best practices and experiences and become a contributive member of the society in promoting the implementation of sustainable procurement. I wish the Charter every success in the future.

Mr. Andy S.C. Lee
Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary
Hong Kong Baptist University

Mr. C. T. Wan
Managing Director
The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd.
To realise the shared mission of sustainable development, collaboration among different parties is essential. At Hong Kong Baptist University, sustainability has been internalised in our policies, operations and administration, contributing to our progress towards social, environmental and financial excellence. The Sustainable Procurement Charter facilitates the transition to a better world by creating lasting change through combined purchasing power. By signing the Charter, we commit to exercising a positive influence on the world, shaping norms, habits and manners by being an exemplar in making smart procurement decisions. Congratulations to Green Council on this initiative! I wish you continued success in fostering the cooperation and partnership of the community to advance sustainability.
Congratulations to Green Council for launching the Sustainable Procurement Charter. It is of great honour for HK Electric to be one of the founding members of the Charter. As one of Hong Kong's major public utilities, HK Electric has an important role to play in supporting Hong Kong to face up to the challenge of climate change. In doing so, we must all shoulder our responsibilities to protect the environment and ensure the well-being of our future generations. While powering Hong Kong’s economic growth with our safe, reliable and affordable electricity, we are committed to ensuring sustainability in our procurement processes. We shall work together with the industry and our business partners to promote higher standards in ethical, human and labour rights, health and safety, and environmental practices.

Professor Frederick Ma Si-hang
MTR Corporation Ltd.
Sustainability requires collective efforts and synergies may be created through collaboration between companies throughout the supply chain. The Green Council’s Sustainable Procurement Charter is a significant step in bringing forward this alliance. MTR Corporation has been a staunch supporter to sustainability in the supply chain, and is honoured to be a founding signatory of the Charter. We look forward to working closely with our business partners and the Green Council in driving a sustainable supply chain.

Mr. Frankie Hau
Risk & Environmental Management Director
Ocean Park Corporation
One of the strongest trends worldwide over the past decade is the rise in environmental awareness. As a responsible corporate citizen, Ocean Park is constantly exploring new ways to enhance the sustainable development of our business, our community and our beautiful planet. Our commitment to conserving valuable resources extends to our food and beverage services through the practice of offering only sustainable sourced seafood in our menus. Ocean Park is delighted to become a member of Sustainable Procurement Charter and will constantly look for ways to become a greener theme park as we continue to grow.

Ms Susanna Hui
Executive Director and Group Chief Financial Officer, PCCW
Executive Director and Group Managing Director, HKT
With growing awareness of and demand for environmentally and socially responsible products, sustainability becomes a guiding influence for corporates in this ever-changing world. The launch of the Sustainable Procurement Charter indeed signifies a remarkable step towards sustainable development in Hong Kong. PCCW and HKT are committed to integrating corporate social responsibility principles throughout the supply chain. We are honoured to be founding members of the Charter and we believe that not only corporates but also supply chain partners play a pivotal role in achieving sustainable development together. With the concerted effort from different parties, may this Charter mark a propitious beginning of sustainable procurement and bring a vibrant future for our community.

Ms Ellie Tang
Head of Sustainability,
New World Development Company Limited
Every purchasing decision presents an opportunity to vote for more sustainable goods and services in the market. New World Development is delighted to join the Sustainable Procurement Charter as a founding member and identify ways to improve our relevant practices based on international standards and industry best practices. The Charter introduces a gradual approach with achievable actions to balance risk mitigation, business development, and supplier relationship management. We congratulate Green Council on continuing to promote sustainable procurement and elevate Hong Kong’s standard for responsible businesses.