The Sustainable Procurement Charter was established by the Green Council in 2018 to promote the implementation of sustainable procurement to all organisations in Hong Kong. Charter members are committed to implementing sustainable procurement procedures with reference to ISO 20400.
The Sustainable Procurement Charter is recognised by the United Nations One Planet network as one of the initiatives to support the Sustainable Development Goal 12 “Responsible Consumption and Production”.

Themes to implement:
High-level management commitment
Capacity building and stakeholder engagement
Green procurement
Life-cycle costing application
Supplier environmental and social compliance
Supply chain sustainability risk management
Supplier diversity
Continual improvement
Benefits to join:
Training courses, workshops and seminars on sustainable procurement
Guidance and monitoring on implementation progress
Learning best practices from other organisations
Participation in a "process benchmarking" survey
Independent assessment on members’ achievements
Use of Charter logo
Levels to achieve
The Charter framework guides companies to establish, document and implement Sustainable Procurement in 3 different levels according to the availability of organisational resources. In joining the Charter, your company is committed to implement the 8 themes and the Green Council will assess to measure and recognise the level of achievements:
Level - 1: Established (No assessment is required.)
Level - 2: Mature (Completion on Level 1 and 2 criteria.)
Level - 3: Leading (Completion on Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 criteria.)
The Green Council is inviting companies to participate in our Sustainable Procurement Charter as a means to develop, document and implement Sustainable Procurement with reference to ISO 20400.