Sino Sustainability Academy

To ensure that an ethos of championing sustainability practices permeates from the leadership to frontline staff, the Group has established a Sustainability Academy to nurture a sustainability mindset among employees.
This Group wide platform shares knowledge and builds capabilities on a diverse range of sustainability topics, including pressing issues like climate change and diversity and inclusion. All new employees receive training on our sustainability governance procedures, strategies and ESG initiatives during orientation.
Following the announcement of our Sustainability Vison 2030, which now includes 38 goals covering crucial areas like decarbonization, climate resilience, renewable energy, plastic reduction, green building certification and innovative solutions. Each of our SV2030 targets is aligned with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“UNSDGs”), including 100% of employees to receive ESG training by 2025. In line with our SV2030 target, the Academy offers a series of hands-on learning activities to encourage a sustainability mindset amongst employees.
Achieving SDG4: Ensure that all employees acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development.