CulinArt 1862

CulinArt 1862, a green restaurant representing the fusion of culinary art, sustainability and food waste reduction, that serves to drive eco-friendly trend in HK F&B industry. With IoT Smart Kitchen that addresses common industry challenges, the system has achieved notable results in reducing carbon emissions, improving cost-effectiveness, and enhancing operational efficiency.
Towngas Organic Farm provides employees with locally sourced ingredients cultivated from our own farm, which will also be donated to charitable organizations.
Waste Reduction and Recycled Material initiatives like providing non-plastic straws/cloth napkins/durable table mats, providing different serving portions for customers and using in-season ingredients. We also use wooden NFC business cards to replace paper business cards.
Green Procurement sources sustainable seafood and local ingredients and conducts eco-assessments of suppliers to reduce the carbon footprint. Supplier background checking is conducted. Environmental-friendly selections for different consumables are ordered via an e-platform. Dish Washing Machine Detergent with Green Label and FSC Paper are used.
Achieving SDG12:
Reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.