Nina Park

Nina Park is Hong Kong's first and only wood fossil park, offering a unique experience for locals and tourists alike. Reopened in 2023 with free admission, the Park is a revitalisation project undertaken by Chinachem Group. The Park and its facilities cover approximately 7,000 square feet. Guided by the design concept of sustainability and inclusivity, the Park employs innovative curatorial methods that seamlessly integrate environmental conservation, art, and advanced technology, providing engaging “edutainment” experiences for visitors of all ages and different physical abilities.
We are committed to environmental protection, evident in the Park's planning, design, construction, and ongoing operations. We actively promote the responsible utilisation of natural resources, harnessing the advantageous geographical characteristics of Nina Park to generate renewable energy through solar photovoltaic systems, thereby reducing carbon emissions. Moreover, we have embraced the "sponge park" concept and the rainwater harvesting system, incorporating water storage facilities that facilitate the recycling of rainwater for the irrigation of the Park's flora and the provision of water play amenities for children. Furthermore, Nina Park serves as a green corridor for the community, linking Tsuen Wan Park and the Tsuen Wan Promenade, and thereby forming an urban oasis for the local community.
Achieving SDG3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.