Executive Committee
Mr. Conrad CHENG Chi-him
Director, Cheung Hung Development (Holdings) Ltd.
Vice Chairperson
Mr. Gordon WONG Kwok-tung
Chief Executive Officer, Da Tang Xi Shi International Group Ltd.
Prof. POON Chung-kwong, GBS, OBE, JP
President Emeritus, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mr. Peter CHENG Kar-shing
Deputy Managing Director, New World Development (China) Ltd.
Executive Committee Members
Mr. Dennis HO Chiu-ping
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Prof. HO Kin-chung, BBS, JP
Director, Polar Research Institute of Hong Kong
Mr. Lawrence HO Yau-lung
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Melco International Development Ltd.
Dr. LEE Kam-wah
Executive Director, PA EMS Ltd.
Mr. Alfred LEE Tak-kong, MH
Director, InnoGreen Environmental Limited
Mr. SHIH Wing-ching, JP
Founder & Chairman, Centaline Group
Prof. TSO Wung-wai, BBS
Adjunct Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Biochemistry
Dr. Terence WAN Ho-yuen
Partner, Zhonghui Anda CPA Limited
Chief Executive Officer
Ms Linda HO Wai-ping
Company Secretary
Mr. Joey WU Kwok-chung
Prof. CHUA Hong
Professor, Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Peter Hills
Director, Centre of Urban Planning & Environmental Management, University of Hong Kong
Ms Peggy LAM Pei Yu-dja, GBS OBE
CEO, The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
Mr. LIN Chaan-ming
Former members of Advisory Council on the Environment
Prof. SHEN Li-yin
Professor of Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mr. James TIEN Pei-chun, GBS OBE JP
Chairman, Hong Kong Tourism Board
Mr. Edwin TSANG Ching-lun
Former Chairman, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, Planning and Development Division
Mr. Vincent WONG Po-sum
Former Members of Environmental Campaign Committee
Prof. Gilbert CHAN Yuk-sing
The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong
Honourary Auditor
BDO Limited
Honourary Treasurer
Dr. Terence WAN Ho-yuen
Partner, Zhonghui Anda CPA Limited
Former Executive Committee Chairperson
Prof Hon Priscilla LEUNG Mei-fun, GBS, JP
Professor of Practice, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong
Former Executive Committee Vice Chairperson
Mr. Edward HO Sing-tin, SBS, OBE, JP
Deputy Chairman & Managing Director, Wong Tung & Partners Ltd.
Former Executive Committee Members
Mr. Adolf HSE Hsung, JP
Independent Non-executive Director , Dah Chong Hong Holdings Ltd.
Prof. LAM Kin-che
Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. The Hon Arthur LI Kwok-cheung, GBS, JP
Former Secretary for Education, HKSAR Government
Dr. Hon LUI Ming-wah, SBS, JP
Legislative Councillor, HKSAR Government
Ms Maria TAM Wai-chu, GBS, JP
Member, Basic Law Committee, HKSAR Government
Mr. TSANG Yum-pui
Executive Director, NWS Holdings Ltd.
Mr. Michael WONG Kin-chow, GBS
Former Judge, Court of Final Appeal, HKSAR Government
Ir. Prof. POON Chi-sun
Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mr. WONG Kwai-huen, JP
Director, Huen Wong & Co.
Mr. Jack SO Chak-kwong, GBS OBE JP
Chairman, Airport Authority Hong Kong
Mr. Raymond LEE Man-chun, BBS, JP
CEO, Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd.